Jabra Masou

Jabra Masou
Most people call me James, as it's a bit easier on the ear and that's fine by me. I'm 45 am married and have two beautiful young daughters, who mean the world to me. I love coming back after a few days guiding to see them and hear all of their stories.
As far as Jordanian families are concerned I come from a small family as I only have 1 brother and 1 sister.
I have been guiding for 17 years and working for Discovery Circle for the last 12 years. I really love my job and enjoy showing people the best country in the world.
Jabra's - Top TipsÂ
Favourite Restaurant – Twahin Al Hawa is a traditional restaurant and very popular with Jordanian's as well as tourists. The food is always good but where ever we eat in Jordan we have to remind our tourist guests that Jordanian's love to smoke Shisha when they eat so most reataurants are a bit smokey, which not all of our guests like.
Favourite Place – Like most Jordanian guides, Wadi Rum is probably my favourite place in jordan for two reason. Firstly I love the mountains, the sand and the peace of Wadi Rum. There really isn't another place like it. And secondly because the hospitality is so genuine and traditional. A true Bedouin will still welcome you in to his home and give you food and water withouth asking any questions. That's the Jordanian way!
Most Asked Question –Most people ask me about the life of the Bedouin. Some tourists find it hard to believe that we still have very traditional Bedouin people in Jordan moving from place to place as the weather changes with the seasons. Â
Most Memorable Time Whilst Touring - It's very boring as most guides remember this but a few years ago it snowed so heavily we all got stranded in Petra. Even though we have snow most years we are never really ready for it and although Petra is in the mountains we don't have any equipment like skis to enjoy the snow.